Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I had a busy morning. I woke up, spent my two hours of quality time with God in prayer and meditation, showered, dressed, cleaned the living room, cooked breakfast for my children, drove them all to school, and then got to work with enough time to relax with a nice cup of tea before I started  my workday. Not.

The other day I read something about someone (wasn't that eloquent- and specific) calling facebook- fakebook. That often we portray our lives as all rosy and full of achievement and success. Perhaps some do. I try not to. In fact, some of my favorite posts are from people describing their real, authentic, lives full of challenges, obstacles, and yes, problems and even failures. Children fighting. Hey, so do mine. Messy House? Me too! Struggling spiritually? Isn't that all of us at one time or another? None of us is perfect. It's a beat down to compare our insides with others' outsides. When we are transparent, life is just better.

So, I'll begin again. I had a busy morning. I woke up- threw on my robe to drive my oldest two to school before 7. Came home, planning to lie down for a few minutes. Woke up- late- couldn't find any dress pants except capris. Remembered I had a jeans day coupon. Thank you, God (In all honesty, I'm not sure that I did give the credit to God. If I had've, that could have counted as prayer and meditation). Rushed to work - was a few minutes late (please don't tell). Grabbed a breakfast bar from my drawer as I hurried to the cafeteria for morning duty. Did I mention that my children are self sufficient with breakfast? Did I mention that I left my youngest to get himself to school? Did I mention that I received an email saying that he was tardy? Did I mention that I am thankful for this wonderful, crazy, real life I have? For reals.