Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Do the Next Right Thing

One of the slogans I learned while working the steps is, "Do the next right thing in front of you." It's really helped me, especially lately. Sometimes when I wonder what the "right" thing to do is, I remember my friend Mitzi who says to ask yourself, "Is it pleasing to God?"

So, when I do the next right thing in front of me,
sometimes it means to put the phone down.
Sometimes it means to pick the phone up.
Sometimes it means to speak up.
Sometimes it means to keep my mouth shut.
Sometimes it means get out of bed and leave the house.
Sometimes it means to stay home.
Sometimes it means to spend/give away money.
Sometimes it means to not spend/give away money.
Sometimes it means to do something.
Sometimes it means to not do something.
Sometimes it means doing something I want to do.
Most of the time, it doesn't.
Sometimes it means doing something easy.
Most of the time, it doesn't.
Sometimes I do it/don't do it.
Sometimes I don't/do.
I don't always get it right, but I can say this:
I've never regretting doing the next right thing.
I'm thankful for His mercies that are new every single morning (and really afternoons and evenings, too).

Lately I've been telling myself, if I don't want to be doing X when Jesus returns or when I die, then perhaps I shouldn't be doing X- period.

Every day is a gift. How will I use it?
Every moment is a gift. What is the next right thing in front of me?