Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Perfect Mother's Day

Here is how I expect my mother's day will go, at least from the previous years' indications:

First, I will awaken to the sweet smells of bacon, eggs, and french toast. MMMMmmmm!

I will hear the gentle laughter of my children working together in the kitchen to prepare the masterpiece breakfast.

"Here, let me help you!"

"Why, thank you!"

I will smile as they bring in the tray of perfectly cooked treats garnished with a single rose in a bud vase.

I will sit up as they walk in my room, already dressed in their Sunday best, cards and presents in hand, gently setting the tray down on the bed as they burst into "For she's a jolly good mother!" ♪♫

And then I will wake up.

No, this has never happened. Nor do I expect it to. Ever. And that's ok.

Mother's day is generally just another ordinary Sunday morning where we are running around trying to find socks and something to wear to church.

My life is filled with ordinary days. Perfectly wonderful ordinary days.

Sometimes my kids fight. Sometimes they make poor choices.

But let me tell you what else happens on these perfectly ordinary days.

"Mom, now that you're not on whole30, want me to make you some nachos?" (That happened just last night! And I said yes!)

Voicemails from my 16 year old always end with "Love you!"

"Why thank you!" (They do actually say that sometimes!)

"That's so nice of you!"

"I'll do it for you, mom."

"Mom, you buy the burgers and I'll cook them on the grill!"

And sometimes, I even do get breakfast in bed!

These mixed with random notes of love and appreciation, unexpected gestures of kindness, and subtle glimpses into the men they will one day become fill my ordinary days.

And these days make every day the perfect mother's day.


  1. Being a Mother of boys, I can identify with your "ordinary days". Now that my sons are thousands of miles from me....I treasure each little random gesture of love and kindness by phone. Thanks for making me smile and remember sweet memories!

  2. Thanks, Marcie! I know that that time for me is not long away... And just to update everyone... Yesterday on Mother's Day, I actually did get breakfast in bed prepared and delivered by my oldest. And then my good friend Mitzi Thompson sang "For she's a jolly good mother..." to me at church! :)
